Manufacturing Evolved with Industrial IoT Starter Kits

We'll help you quickly and securely start your digital manufacturing journey

Our goal is to provide businesses with the tools to streamline their operations, reduce costs, and improve sustainability. Our aim is to make it easy for you to understand the value that our IoT solutions can bring to your business. Read on to understand the benefits of Industrial IoT (IIoT), and discover two starting points for you to start quickly seeing benefits within your business.

How can IIoT help manufacturers?

Prevent critical asset failures and reduce downtime with real-time monitoring.

Improve efficiency with real-time data on asset usage and energy consumption.

Drive sustainability by measuring and addressing energy efficiency / waste within your process.

Reduce waste with real-time data on asset usage and resource consumption

Tie in with ERP for improved reporting allowing informed decision making to drive growth.

Increase OEE and labour capacity by process optimisation and downtime reduction

Benefits of our starter kits

Data security on day 1, with CloudRail's gateway and AWS security best practices.

Guided workshops to explore your digital readiness and the right PoV for your business

Minimise risk, take the first step with confidence thanks to our fixed price and scope approach.

Future-proof your investment, easily expand with additional sensors as needed.

“Green Custard took the time to discuss the details of the individual projects, and most importantly how the security worked. We achieved all of our ideas in a matter of weeks.”

Peter Lai, NGF Europe Ltd.

Fixed Price, Fixed Scope

Our kit comprises 3 phases to ensure we deliver the right solutions for your business:

1 - Digital Readiness & Roadmapping

On site visit to review your digital readiness, explore blockers & use cases, your long term needs, and to define a PoV plan with agreed outcomes.

2 - PoV Implementation

Implementation of 1 of the 6 PoV options to meet the needs defined in the previous phase. Supported by our partners, and helping you evaluate over 3 months.

3 - Review & Scale

Review the PoV based on the success criteria and work with you on plans to scale digital manufacturing within your business.

POV Options

  • CBM and Utilisation, detect machine failures early and gain insights into machine utilisation.
  • Energy Monitoring and Utilisation, understand energy use on high impact machines, and see machine utilisation.
  • OEE based on scheduled run time, machine utilisation and product counts.
  • Process Environment Monitoring, use sensors to observe and alarm on temperature and rH in industrial processes
  • Process Optimisation (Production), gain an immediate insight into production volumes to improve performance
  • Process Optimisation (Waste/Supply), track process waste and supply levels to increase production efficiency

£12,500 FPFS

All solutions include IFM sensors, CloudRail gateway, 3 months of AWS costs & support. Prices exclude VAT

Alternatively, feel fee to drop our sales team an email,, or give us a call on +44 1223 737 829.

You can also book a meeting at a time which suits you: